High Mount Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday 9:30am-3:00pm,
Office is closed on Fridays.
Please call ahead of time to schedule any appointments needed for registration.

2nd Grade Teacher Vacancy
Send the following to Dr. Beth Horner at bhorner@highmountschool.net (no later than June 3, 2024.)
1. Letter of interest and resume
2. Unofficial transcripts
3. Letters of recommendation

Vacancies for School Year 2024-2025
Kindergarten Teacher
First Grade Teacher
Elementary Special Education Teacher
School Social Worker (see grant description listed below)
School Social Worker to join the current Student Services team beginning in August, 2024. Team currently consists of 1 full time school psychologist and 1 full time social worker.
Responsibilities include fulfilling special education minutes, pushing into classrooms, conducting groups and circles, coordinating school wide initiatives, participating on the problem solving team, supporting teachers, working closely and collaboratively with the current student services team and administration. Salary and benefits are to be determined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
High Mount School District has partnered with the Illinois State Board of Education, along with 16 other Illinois Districts across the state of Illinois. IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR SALARY AND BENEFITS OF THE CBA, ALSO INCLUDED IS THE FOLLOWING:
$25,000 (awarded in increments and quarterly.)
$10,000 relocation support or mileage reimbursement for commuting more than 25 miles each way.
Student Services Team mentorship.
To apply for any of the listed positions, submit the following to Dr. Beth A. Horner, Superintendent at bhorner@highmountschool.net.
Cover letter and resume
Unofficial transcripts
Letters of recommendation

High Mount School's Pre-K program has continued with its ExceleRate Illinois Gold Circle of Quality designation. Gold is the highest designation to receive by the State! Way to go to Ms. Probst!!

Hello HMS Families!
We have had a great start to the 2023-2024 school year. The students, for the most part, have settled into a routine and we are carrying out The Blue and Gold Way! That said, I am sending this email to reiterate our cell phone policy at HMS.
Cell phones have been, and continue, to be a large distraction for us. Issues have developed with social media, classroom distractions, academic distractions, and misuse in the hallways and bathrooms.
Therefore, we continue to use our cell phone "parking lots" that are hanging in the classrooms in a secure area of the room. We continue with the following procedures as well.
1. Phones must be turned off during the school day.
2. Parking Lot - Students will place her/his phone in a numbered pocket that corresponds with a number assigned to each student. Student phones will be in sight at all times while they are in the classroom.
3. Students will remove their phone from the pocket at the end of the hour. This procedure is followed in each class, including Specials.
4. If cell phones are being used throughout the day, they are turned into the office.
Parents if you need to reach your child(ren) during the day, or leave a message, please call Ms. Emmons at 618-233-1054 Ext. 501. We will ensure communication is made with your child.
Please talk with your child(ren) about our procedures. As you can imagine, cell phones and social media have taken too much time away from student learning. Unfortunately, phones have already caused multiple negative issues this school year. We need your support to help with this distraction. Thank you!
Dr. Beth A. Horner

Now Hiring a Paraprofessional!

Welcome back to the 2023-2024 school year! We are off to a great start and look forward to our first full day of school tomorrow. Thank you for your patience with dismissal as many of the students are learning new routines. It will get quicker as the days go by, I guarantee.
As always, we look forward to building great relationships with our students and all of our families!

The Main Office is closed the week of June 19 - 23. Regular summer office hours, Monday - Thursday 9AM to 2 PM, or by appointment, will resume the week of June 26th. Thank you!

High Mount Board of Education Vacancy
Please send a letter of interest to Susan Ackerman at sackerman@highmountschool.net
prior to 9:00 AM on Thursday, June 15, 2023.

Just a reminder, for our Family Movie night tonight, all students K-4th grade must have an adult present with them, not including an older High Mount student. We do not have adult chaperones for this event, since this is a PTC family friendly sponsored event. This follows the same rules as any other sporting event that is held indoors.

5th Grade English Language Arts Teacher Vacancy
Send the following to Dr. Beth A. Horner to bhorner@highmountschool.net
1. Letter of Interest
2. Resume
3. Unofficial Transcripts
4. Three letters of Recommendation
Deadline: April 21, 2023

Hello Eighth Grade Families!
It is hard to believe that this school year is nearing its end. For your planning, please find information below regarding our Eighth Grade Celebration.
The Celebration is Monday, May 22, 2023.
6:00 PM - Celebration Dinner
Each graduating student will be provided 5 tickets for admission to dinner. (1 ticket is for the student and 4 tickets are for family members.) Only those with tickets can attend this dinner. Dinner will be located in the cafeteria.
Students should attend dinner dressed and ready for the ceremony. Caps and gowns will not be worn by the students and all attire must be school appropriate.
Following dinner, family members will move from the cafeteria to the gymnasium for the ceremony. Students will be lined up for the procession into the gymnasium as the Class of 2023.
7:00 PM - Celebration Ceremony
As stated above, this part of the evening will take place in the gymnasium. Though only 5
people can attend dinner, the ceremony is open to the public. During the ceremony, awards will be presented and students will receive a certificate of achievement. At the conclusion of the ceremony, students will have “graduated” from HMS. It is projected that the ceremony will last approximately 45 minutes to an hour.
Teachers will be providing more details to students as the date approaches.
Thank you!
Dr. Beth A. Horner

High Mount School District is looking for a HEAD COOK. Join our family!!
Responsibilities include ordering, inventory, food preparation, food distribution to students, monthly inspection reports, and other assigned duties.
Hours - 5:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
Send your resume to Dr. Beth Horner at bhorner@highmountschool.net

Teaching Vacancies
High Mount School District 116
Please submit the following to Dr. Horner
Letter of Interest
Unofficial transcripts
Letters of recommendation
English Language Arts Teacher
Permanent position
8th grade ELA
90 minute teaching block
Average class size of 22
Special Education Teacher
Permanent position
5-6 grade (*at this time, based upon student need)
Part time self-contained with some resource students (*at this time, based upon student need)
50 minute teaching block
Average caseload for teachers 14

HMS has the following vacancies:
8th grade ELA teacher
Middle School Science teacher
Special Education teacher
Deadline to apply is March 1, 2023

Good morning HMS families! This is Dr. Horner. Due to inclement weather which is making travel dangerous this morning, school is closed today, Monday, January 30th. However, we will have another E-Learning day. Please make sure your child logs into their teacher's Google Classroom to complete assignments. Assignments must be submitted today. Thank you and we will see you Tuesday!

Good morning HMS families! This is Dr. Horner. Due to inclement weather which is making travel dangerous this morning, school is closed today, Monday, January 30th. However, we will have another E-Learning day. Please make sure your child logs into their teacher's Google Classroom to complete assignments. Assignments must be submitted today. Thank you and we will see you Tuesday!

Hello High Mount Families.
School will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 25th due to the forecasted inclement weather as well as the timing of the storm. However, we will have an E-Learning day on Wednesday.
This means, if a packet was sent home with your child, this work should be completed at home tomorrow. It should be returned to the teacher when school resumes.
If your child did not have a packet sent home, he/she needs to log onto their teacher’s Google Classroom for assignments. Assignments need to be completed tomorrow and submitted to the teacher tomorrow as well.
Please help us and see that your child’s work is completed. After that, enjoy the snow!
We will see you Thursday.
Thank you.

Attention 8th Grade Families & Future BW Maroons:
Belleville West High School is hosting Freshman Orientation for ALL incoming 9th graders on Thursday, January 19th in the Performing Arts Center of Belleville West High School. Sessions will begin promptly at 6pm and 7:15 pm. Please attend ONE of the sessions. This is the first step of the high school registration process - Don't miss it!

Join us for some Bingo fun!